The Golden Opportunity Scholars Institute of American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Soil Science Society of America (SSSA), and Crop and Soil Sciences (CSA) presented Roberta Laing, a graduate student in agronomy with emphasis in environmental science, with the Golden Opportunity Scholar Award.

With this award Roberta was able to attend the 2011 International Annual Meeting of the Tri-Society (ASA-SSSA-CSA) held in San Antonio, Texas, from October 16 through 19.

This award is given to students who demonstrate academic achievements and interest in the field of agronomy and environment related fields. Under the guidance of her advisor, Dr. Maifan Silitonga, assistant professor in environmental science in the Department of Agriculture, Roberta was able to receive this scholarship award for two years in a row. Recipients of the scholarship were announced at the conference. Read Full article at Alcorn