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Then away he free dumps Well, thought the young man, it is no hard matter to keep that advice He rode on with the princess, till at last he came to the village where he had left his two brotherpractice questions And there he heard a great noise and uproar and when he asked what was the matter, the people said, Two men are going to be hanged As he came nearer, he saw that the two men were his brothers, who had turned robbers so he said, Cannot they in any way be saved But the people said No, unless he would bestow all his money upon the rascals and buy their liberty.
Then he did not stay to think about the matter, but paid what was asked, and his brothers were given up, and went on with him towards their home And as they came to the wood where the fox first met them, it was so cool and pleasant that the two brothers said,SY0-401 exam dumps Let us sit down by the side of the river, and rest a while, to eat and drink So he said, Yes, and forgot the fox s counsel, and sat down on the side of the river and while he suspected nothing, they came behind, and threw him down the bank, and took the princess, the horse, and the bird, and went home to the king their master, and said.
Then there was great rejoicing made but the horse would not eat, the bird would not sing, and the princess wept The youngest son fell to the bottom of the river s bed luckily it was nearly dry, but his bones were almost broken, and the bank was so steep that he could find no way to get oustudy guide Then the old fox came once more, and scolded him for not following his advice otherwise no evil would have befallen him Yet, said he, I cannot leave you here, so lay hold of my tail and hold fasstudy guide Then he pulled him out of the river, and said to him, as he got upon the bank, Your brothers have set watch to kill you, if they find you in the kingdom.

If you attended the first day of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) two weeks ago, you would have heard one major recurring theme: school choice and giving parents the option of where to send their kids to school. United States Senator Tim Scott (R-SC),  U.S. Congress hopeful Dan Bongino, and others led the charge to push for policies that allow for more opportunity and parental control of education.

Sen. Scott gave a personal account of how education played a major role in his life, and how after the 9th grade he was on the verge of flunking out. He would then go on to highlight how a mentor literally saved his life and his future. Bongino, a former NYPD officer and Secret Service agent now running for U.S. Congress in  MD-6, highlighted how he witnessed the despair many families in New York City suffer from with a public education system that is failing these students and their families and painting a picture of tomorrow that isn’t like the rest of the country.

Bongino would further highlight that, though when some of the people in the room think of tomorrow they may see a bright future, many of the families he interacted with as a NYPD officer vision of tomorrow was nothing more than the next day.

Both individuals urged the crowd to take action on the issue, saying that the fight to provide all children with a better future is our fight, and that we have an obligation to fight for educational opportunity for underserved families.

Sen. Scott unveiled his Creating Hope and Opportunity for Individuals and Communities through Education (CHOICE) Act and recently (Feb. 24) Bongino participated in a panel discussion on Black economic opportunity at Bowie State University hosted by the Bowie State Young Americans For Liberty Chapter, the Bulldog Chapter of Groove Phi Groove, the Rho Chapter of Alpha Nu Omega, and Black Agenda organization on campus.

Eugene Craig is a Contributor to HBCU Buzz and is a senior majoring in History at Bowie State University. Craig is also  a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Court of Baltimore County. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.