Rev. Al Sharpton, founder and president of National Action Network, allegedly is being sued $20 billion dollars by the National Association of African-American Owned Media, a California limited liability company, and Entertainment Studios Networks, Inc., a California corporation.

[quote_box_center]From Mediate: “Comcast and Time Warner Cable were served with a lawsuit from a group of African-American media owners seeking $20 billion — yes, “billion,” with a “b” — for discriminatory practices, and alleges that Al Sharpton and his organizations received big money to look the other way.”[/quote_box_center]

The Hollywood Reporter says that the lawsuit against Sharpton, who hosts “Politics Nation” on MSNBC, is rooted because he is claimed to have turned a blind eye to protests:

[quote_box_center]”Sharpton objects that the budget for National Action Network is not even $4 million, and as for his MSNBC show, he believes he has the most successful show in the 6 p.m. hour at MSNBC, that ‘the numbers speak for themselves.’ The lawsuit seems to count Sharpton’s reported $750,000 annual salary at MSNBC as part of the $3.8 million and leverages past criticism of the noted civil rights leader that’s rooted in him allegedly turning an eye and forgoing boycotts and protests on corporations upon receiving monetary contributions to the National Action Network.”[/quote_box_center]