UnknownAlthough as many people of color are able to realize, it is not always as evident the struggles that separate genders face. Many times women expect to be treated with the class and respect that all women deserve but are not aware of the male; in particular the African-American male in today’s society. Though the struggles that we face on a daily basis just to survive do not excuse our behavior it would behoove women to take an interest in the plight of young black men. If it was realized the struggles that men face women may see a different perspective and begin to bridge the gap of understanding.

Being a male descendent of mother African though, that may be the hardest task there is on this Earth. Waking up everyday knowing that people, white,  black and other, fear you for walking down the street, only due to your skin tone; knowing that at any minute you could be arrested and incarcerated, simply because you “fit the description”, is a harrowing task to endure that only the strongest can survive and excel in. Simply put not only not being white and male, but being the complete opposite, the antithesis, of the All-American dream causes for difficult living in the society that America has created since before the 21st century.

Without delving into the personal experiences of an everyday “negro” male, since coming to this society the black male has consistently been the bane in the white male’s existence and the thorn in his side. The men of African descent have been ridiculed and tormented, beaten and killed. This all starts with Jim Crow’s law on how to control a black family. If the dominant power source is removed then the entire nucleus of the family will be removed. Confusion will be created and the downfall of the race will ensue. This tactic has been effectively carried out. An estimated 67% of African-American households throughout the United States of America are single parent with a majority of those households being single-mother households. Once the head is out the black family and community will continue to falter.

In America it has been shown that the black male is becoming extinct and being hunted in any way possible, be it through incarceration, “legal” murder by the authorities, or even at the hands of our own. Young black males are more likely to spend their lives in prisons than in a career field. Many times women do not realize this. It is observed from an outside point of view that women are the only ones struggling and that males have it easy.

Legitimate points have been raised to the validity of the claim that men may “have it harder” than women. Claims such as the divide in salary and the need for women to conform to the looks and style of the day have been very successful in deterring many men from pushing the point, yet these claims are not as solid as they seem. Many times in a work environment it has been shown that oft times a black man will be hired last out of a pool of contestants. Many psychologists view this as the possibility of the African-American male posing a threat to our Caucasian counter parts. The Black woman is more likely to be hired than the black male in many corporate settings, and this is becoming the trend.

Being part of an endangered class is no laughing matter; particularly while you’re at large the whole process of survival. As is such I urge the black community to fight back against the tyranny and stand up for the rights that are being encroached. Making up as small a percentage as we as black men do there is no viable reason for us to be disproportionately incarcerated and killed.

The black male struggles in America, from being persecuted, abused, as well as involuntarily posing a threat to much of society. While it is true that all women have a struggle that is not to be trivialized, the struggle that the black male endures need not be underrated.

Understanding the plight of everyone would help to make the world that we co-inhabit a better functioning place. The sooner that it is realized that black men have it just as hard, if not harder, in the oppressive society that we live in, the black community would be able to join easier.