Though historically black colleges and universities have a reputation for producing well over half of all African-American higher education degrees, they are also known to be the ultimate social, party, and entertainment hubs. Life on campus at an HBCU will not only get you ready for the grind of daily life after college, they will help you thrive. Have fun and embrace a regret-free collegiate career at all costs; just don’t go too far and find yourself kicked off campus, because it will happen.. and there may be little to nothing that you can do to rectify your situation.

Before you are about to “try it” with HBCU administration, think of that fun, strict parent: they support you, especially if you handle your business, but when you start to slack off and fall short of expectations, you will be punished.. and it will not be pretty. HBCU administration is no different. Your education is worth more than momentary satisfaction. Do not try it.

There are 5 major “no-no’s” that will get you thrown off campus:

3Cheaters Never Prosper

Cheating is not only the easy way out, it is in direct violation of every HBCU’s code of conduct. If you are lucky you will be placed on academic probation (which will limit your on-campus activity in clubs, organizations, campus politics, divine nine organizations,social events, and more). Cheating is also damaging to your personal brand: Say you have dreams of being a doctor and you’re studying biology, but you are a cheater and people know this. Do you think when you graduate med school years later, people will line up to your medical practice trusting you with their newborn infant? Chances are, they will employ the hard worker known for studying with a record of integrity. The same goes for plagiarizing. Plagiarism is actually punishable by law. Does copyright infringement sound familiar? Behoove yourself to be original. Plagiarizers and cheaters never proposer. You have been warned.