I had a chance to chat with him about his new book that released Thursday, Feb. 18th, 2016 entitled: Ferguson: The Harmonious Moments of Separation. The book is based on cutting-edge photography that tells the story of Ferguson.
Robert: Whats the main point of the book?

Robert: Why did you write it?
Timothy: I produced this Photography Concept Book simply for people to hold a piece of history in their procession that has not been altered. Simply shining light on the other side of what was shown in the media was my general purpose.
Robert: What did you want to accomplish with this book?
Timothy: It is my goal, that this moment in time causes a modern day Tipping Point. I want play an integral part in breaking the chains on the worlds definition of limits. I want this book to serve as a platform for purpose and an element of cultivation. As a reader and viewer of this book, I want everyone to recognize the opportunity that they have to change the world in any capacity that they put their mind to.
Robert: How instrumental has Harris-Stowe State been in preparing you for the future?
Timothy: Harris-Stowe State has had a great influence on preparing me for the future because they have genuinely provided me with tools to perfect my craft and allowed me the opportunity to test concepts that I have gone on to reproduce for brands across the world. When you have a home that invests in who you are socially, mentally, and emotionally you can’t help but understand the value in your Alma Mater. It takes a village to raise a child and Harris-Stowe State University has aided me in my development as a product of an HBCU!
Robert: Why Ferguson? Do you have any plans to sustain Ferguson beyond hashtags and protests?
Timothy: I chose Ferguson, because it was the 1st place in the history of my life that was close to home and caused a modern day civil war which directly affected me. I wanted to ensure that I did everything in my power to capture history. The thing is, I was directly volunteering inside Ferguson and in the surrounding area before August 2014 and I will continue to do what I can to assist in the development of the area. I definitely plan on assisting Ferguson in their sustainability programming through future efforts of mentoring and program development.
Timothy J. Moore released his book Thursday, February 18th, 2016. You can find more information about his project here.