SIAC Launches New Mobile App

A mobile app that features SIAC live updates and scores is now free to download on Apple iOS and Android devices.

The SIAC in collaboration with Varsity Software has announced on Tuesday the release of SIAC Sports, giving fans the ability to keep tabs on their favorite schools and sports team in the conference along with exclusive news, scores, standings, sport schedules, results, live game broadcasts, social media streams, and video highlights. Varsity Software, who build the app, has been around for over a decade.

Meet the man who invented the mobile app

Founder and CEO of Varsity Software John Weaver, a graduate from Princeton University, first got in the rapidly increasing software industry after college, where he joined a startup company in the early 90s. He later said that this experience planted the seeds for Varsity Software. In 2000, Weaver had become a Vice President of Information Technology within the Warner Music Group, and in an effort to try to launch his own startup, he decided to cash in his stock but the timing wasn’t right—his plan failed, because of the dot-com bubble. He said around this time he twice ran the New York City Marathon, but not on the same day.

In 2005, Weaver graduated from Wharton School and co-founded a company called Reunion Technologies. Then he built with his partners a successful business on the annual Princeton reunion event, which planted the foundation for Varsity Software. According to the website, he started “Varsity Software from his work at Reunion Technologies” that provides “a multitude of software products and services to colleges, universities and other clients in the educational sector. Over the years, Varsity Software has developed software solutions that have been used by millions of users.”

In a statement, Commissioner Greg Moore said that he is “thrilled” to provide access for SIAC fans to innovative technology in a mobile app. “We’re thrilled to give our fans another opportunity to connect with our league through our mobile application,” the statement read. “Varsity Software has done a great job implementing several unique features that continue to push the league’s progression in the digital and social media space by offering more SIAC content.”

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According to HBCU Sports, the SIAC is the third NCAA Division II conference to launch a mobile app. “Varsity Software makes apps and we are excited about SIAC Sports, the mobile software platform that we have created for the conference,” said Weaver. “For almost a decade, the SIAC has been pushing the digital media envelope in order to provide its fans with innovative technology solutions and we are proud to be a partner in this process.”

Fans can download the official SIAC Sports app from the iTunes App Store or Google Play.