
TSU Student Develops App That Helps Children With Special Needs Build Relationships

A Tennessee State University student who will cross the stage and graduate this upcoming weekend is leaving a lasting mark on his community. While...

VIBE Featured HBCU App Changes The Game

An app created over a year ago by a group of young HBCU students for a school competition has now become one of the...

Clark Atlanta University Receives $11.8 Million Grant To Become First HBCU With Unique Metaverse...

Clark Atlanta University is looking to bring augmented teaching both in person and online thanks to a new grant totaling almost $12 million. Get...

Here’s How HBCU Students Can Find Their Dynamic Calling In Life As Content Creators

Historically Black Colleges and University students are growing as content creators and the need for training is increasing. WordCamp conferences meet the needs of...

This 20 Year Old FAMU Student Is Nick Named The ‘Next Black Female Mark...

Tishauna Wilson was one of the youngest and brightest stars in a room filled with notable community leaders, celebrities, and black excellence. At just...

Bowie State University Takes Part In Expanding Data Science Infrastructure

Bowie State University is taking part in a collaboration with the National Institutes of Health as well as 11 other institutions to create equity...

Bowie State Names New Animation Studio after First Black Female Animator

Bowie State University recently named its new stop-motion animation space in honor of Ayoka Chenzira, Ph.D., division chair for the arts, chair of the Department of Art & Visual Culture, and professor at Spelman College.

Cheyney University Launches New Cybersecurity Program

Cheyney University of Pennsylvania has a new program supporting students' dreams in cybersecurity! Get the full story from Maggie Mancini at Philly Voice below. The...

Valuing STEAM Integration In KidsCamp Nationally And Globally

William Jackson and Aida Correa at WordCamp Greenville, South Carolina

Taper: Introducing The Future Of The Personal Grooming Industry

May 05, 2017- LOS ANGELES, CA - Bowie State Graduate Luke A. Lawal Jr., Founder & CEO of L & Company announces his latest venture,...

Benedict College Launches Esports Gaming Room and Degree Track

Benedict College becomes the first HBCU with a gaming room and an Esports degree track.

CAU Grad Valeisha Butterfield Jones Makes Major Moves With New Appointment At Google

Google executive Valeisha Butterfield Jones will continue to advocate for diversity and inclusion in tech but on a new level and with a new...

Fort Valley State University To Teach Students, Community About STEM With ‘Fab Lab’

Fort Valley State University will be opening the eyes of students, teachers, and more in its community with an innovative Fab Lab! Learn about...

13 HBCUs Partner With IBM On New Quantum Education Center

IBM is known as a global leader of innovative technology, yet it leads in driving racial equity as well. The company recently announced its...

PVAMU To Establish Engineering Scholar Programs After Receiving $240K Grant

Prairie View A&M University is set to receive an engineering scholarship after receiving over $200,000 from an engineering firm! Learn about the donor and...

Technology Conference Brings Vital Resources​​ To HBCU Faculty, Staff And Administration

The First-Ever HBCU Technology Conference Is Available On-Demand The inaugural HBCU Technology Conference recently concluded. If you did not attend this virtual event created just...

3 HBCUs Among Recipients For NASA’s New Multi-Million Dollar Grant

Alabama State University, Florida A&M University, and J.F. Drake State Technical College made the recipient list among several institutions each receiving $1.2 million grant...

Howard University Cancels Tuesday Classes Amid Ransomware Attack

Howard University has decided to cancel classes today, the first day back after the long Labor Day weekend, after a ransomware attack. The...