The Spelman Community Comes Together for AIDS Walk Atlanta

Since 2009, Georgia has ranked in the top 10 states with the highest record of AIDS diagnoses in the nation. Making a choice to change the world in the area of health, the Spelman community showed up en masse Oct. 16 for the 2011 AIDS Walk Atlanta. Nearly 270 students, faculty, staff, senior administrators, alumnae, and trustees participated in the walk, exceeding the College’s goal of 250 participants. Ranked No. 3 in the metro Atlanta area, the Spelman team has collected more than $18,000 for treatment, medications, prevention education, meals, mental health services, child care, substance abuse counseling, pastoral care, and clinical research for those infected with AIDS. This fundraising process is ongoing, and the online account is still open for donations. It is never too late to provide support for families and individuals affected by the AIDS epidemic. For more information or to donate, please visit AIDS Walk Atlanta.

“This is my second year participating in AIDS Walk Atlanta. Back home in Colorado I participated in the AIDS Walk twice. When I came to Spelman my freshman year I didn’t get the opportunity to participate in it and it was something that was very important to me. I don’t know anyone with AIDS but I feel that it’s a serious problem that affects the African American community. So during my sophomore and junior year I decided that I really wanted to get out there and support it, by walking, and raising money for it as well. Personally I feel like it was a great turn out this year as far as Spelman was concerned. I think Spelman did a really good job of getting everyone on board and everyone to actively participate.”

Colm Mulcahy
Associate Professor, Mathematics

Fifteen years ago I started raising money for AWA in part to remember friends lost to HIV.  Now it’s impacting  young African American women at an alarming rate, so there is also an important educational component.  This year at the walk it was great to see so many Spelman people united for one cause.

Taylor Yarbrough

“I participated because I know that there are a lot of people, not only in the Atlanta, but internationally, that have AIDS and are struggling with it every day. Some were born with AIDS, so they couldn’t help it and these are the type of people that need the most hope, and that need the most help; medicine, and financial assistance. So I wanted to go out there and support those people that needed that help. I think the best part about it was how many people they had out there. Spelman really represented, they had a lot of Spelmanites out there and even the President was out there. It was a great turnout by everybodyI’ll definitely do it again next year.”

DaNita McClain
Communications Assist, Office of Communications

“I participated in the AIDS Walk/Run and raised funds for AWA because AIDS is a horrific disease that does not discriminate and those afflicted need support—particularly financial support. Everyone knows at least one person who has been impacted by AIDS in one way or another and to sit by and do nothing is inexcusable. The need should compel everyone to do something—walking, running and giving are just a few options.”

Alaina Long

I walked and fundraised in the AIDS Walk because I believe in the cause to raise awareness and help those who are living with AIDS. The instances of AIDS among African Americans is alarming and reaching disturbing numbers. AIDS does not have a face and does not affect just one class or sexual status. AIDS does not discriminate and I feel everyone should be made aware that it could happen to anyone and should take precaution in their actions. Also, it is important to support those living with AIDS and their families so they can have hope. I walked so we as a people can all have hope.

Ray Galloway
Clerk of the Board of Trustees / Assistant to Secretary of the College

“I had done it before last year with a couple friends of mine. We all got together to do the walk and we had our little team name and then this year it became a bigger thing to do as a community of Spelman. And since I enjoy working at Spelman I thought it would be something that I could participate in and be a part of to help make it be as big as it could be. I actually ran in the race…It just gives you a good feeling after you do it that you have done something worthy.”

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