Is Sagging Pants Really a Big Deal? #BuzzKiller

Sagging pants has become a nationwide epidemic amongst young males all around the world. Sagging is defined by Merriam Webster’s Dictionary as to hang down unevenly, to droop.


Is Sagging Pants Really a Big Deal?

While some of us are trying to progress in the New Year, some of us are choosing to digress, our pants that is.

Sagging pants has become a nationwide epidemic amongst young males all around the world. Sagging is defined by Merriam Webster’s Dictionary as to hang down unevenly, to droop. According to Lee D. Baker, Dean of Academic Affairs at Duke University, Sagging pants is a style originally created for prisoners to wear their pants this low because belts are a popular way to commit suicide by hanging oneself, to hang others, or to use as a weapon in fights.

In Virginia and Louisiana, there were efforts to outlaw sagging pants in 2004, but failed, because opponents appealed the style as a “right to self-expression.” Recently, legislative efforts have taken a different road claiming sagging pants outlaw indecency laws, and their success is inspiring lawmakers in other states. Across the United States towns have passed laws that ban baggy pants. The punishment for violating these laws, consist of various fines, and in some cases prison time.

With towns passing laws to ban this style of fashion and some serving prison time for these offenses, it can bring one to question, Is sagging pants a huge issue, or does it create an issue?

Christopher Neal, A 19-year old college sophomore at Dillard University, a Historically Black University in New Orleans, LA believes “sagging pants is a personal expression of a lifestyle that’s shunned by society. If people didn’t put so much emphasis on sagging then it wouldn’t be as common.” Neal believes sagging is triggered by the outcry of laws and publicity surrounding it.

Sagging pants could be a way for some young people to achieve recognition of some sort. Sagging may very well prevent crime rather than trigger it. If teenagers “sag” their pants for recognition, some may not commit criminal offenses for acceptance.

Sagging pants is a worldwide issue that can be addressed in many different ways. It is a worldwide issue that deserves to be recognized. What was once started in prisons is now a global fashion trend that celebrities take part in. Although many believe sagging is a detriment to society, some believe it is blown out of proportion and should remain a means of self expression. However sagging may affect the world, it should be acknowledged.

By Jerome D. Bailey Jr.
Video: JeromeBaileyTV