A Message to the 2012 Graduating Seniors

Believe with all of your heart that you will do what you were made to do.- Orison Swett Marden

HBCU Graduates at Hampton University after hearing President Obama speak at their 2010 commencement. (Urban Christian News)

To the class of 2012, your time to walk across the stage is approaching. How does it feel?

Did it go by fast? Are you stressed? Was this journey easy? Are you overwhelmed? Will you have a job after you graduate? Will you make it in the “real world?”

Many who are on their last stretch in their collegiate career ask themselves these questions repeatedly and don’t know the answer. It seems as though many unplanned situations present themselves in an orderly fashion.

Many of our HBCU seniors are wondering how will they finish their last semester, find a job after graduation, pay off student loans, etc. Those who are motivated look at it differently. There are always times when situations aren’t what we want them to be, but motivation enables you to endure those difficult times.

If there is anything in life that motivates you- your family, siblings, friends, children, or your failures- think about that whenever you feel like giving up. Don’t be scared of the “real world.” All of the experiences and lessons learned in college have to be applied to life as an adult. Early morning meetings, deadlines, networking- college was supposed to prepare you for the real world. Are you ready?

A degree with NO AMBITION will get you nowhere. A degree means nothing if you don’t put effort into making it worthwhile. A degree won’t keep you warm at night, says the very smart brothers.

Get excited to use all the tools you have learned during your undergrad years. What you will soon have is power. It is now time to put your skills to the test. Be excited to teach something new to help others to do more. The tools instilled in you have prepared you to compete with others. Take advantage of every opportunity which could take you far in the future. Excuses are not an option. You must keep pushing towards the finish line; besides, who can stop you?

So get excited to reach your goals, and pull someone up with you along the way. You are prepared to make it, and the best part is you go to a HBCU. Graduation may be kind of scary, but like the great Muhammad Ali said, it’s lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself.