Occupying Federal Grounds: Advocating Change in Charlotte

He wakes up, lines up his watches, cleans his toothbrush, restocks his shaving cream, and polishes his shoes. Then as he proceeds to lock up his tent, he takes the zipper from the right side and brings it around to the left side and clamps his lock to secure his place of residence. These are things James Walker must do every morning before heading out to find work in the city of Charlotte. But once his day is over, he must head back to his new address of 600 E. Trade St. hoping no one has broken into his tent.

James Walker is one of thousands of protestors participating in the Occupy Wall Street movement which argues that the 1 percent of the wealthiest people have too much power. “The 1 percent are scared to change because they are afraid to lose their power,” explained James Walker, who is a singer and actor looking for work whose temporary address is now 600 E. Trade St.

Protestors say that major corporations and banks have too much ability to take away jobs.  “These big corporations and banks have this power to take our jobs and take our money,” said Walker, who talked a lot about the issues of power.

The citizens of Occupy Wall Street feel the need for change is not being met and right now the citizens of Occupy Charlotte are reorganizing their daily activities and routines to make this change happen. Occupy Charlotte has been recently publicized in the media and the point of this stand is to show Congressman Mel Watt (D) that change can help the city- let alone this nation.

“Mel Watt needs to see that what we are standing for is something that helps the city of Charlotte and even the nation in regards to economy equality,” said Alex, a fired up protestor whose last name was told to be unneeded for the issues of America.

This change the occupants are talking about will come from that 1 percent. They say they hope to bring down costs of services, advocate more jobs by decreasing the tax rate, and allow more occupations to stay occupied and not being taken away due harboring money and being gluttonous.

Occupy Wall Street protestors say these major banks and corporations of Charlotte are being gluttonous by overconsuming money and wealth. This substantially leads to many job losses and foreclosures. “There is making a profit, then there is gluttony. The problem that most of the Occupy movements have had with the banks and these huge multi-corporations is that they have become gluttons and that’s the way it works for them,” explained Walker who became more passionate as the conversation went on.

With all that being said, one would say why doesn’t these big corporations, banks, even Congress speak up. “Speaking up can lead to someone’s job [being] lost, much like a political party there is a majority and a minority, in a group that is aiming to drive away from change, if one stands for the change that can be a catastrophic mess,” Walker explained.

The majority always has the overall power, and power always wants more power. “Right now it seems to be a cry of power, these major companies, are continuing to raise everything, charge everything, and have to control of what is happening with the city of Charlotte,” said Alex. These Occupy campers say they are here to fight these standards that are putting people in the streets. They say they are fed up, and they want to see change. They want to be able to go to work Monday and not worry that their job will being gone by Thursday.

Occupy Charlotte protestors have camped out for 90 days straight and they say they are ready to continue for 90 more days until they see change. Occupy Charlotte first rallied in 2011 when Bank of America decided to charge five dollars for each transaction used with a debit card. Many thought the fight was over when Bank of America decided to no longer charge the five dollar fee, but according to Walker, “the banks and corporations will get their money one way or another and it will affect the city of Charlotte tremendously”.

The protestors of Occupy Wall Street want Congress and these big banks and corporations to lessen the value of services, allow more jobs to come about, raise the tax rate for the rich, and open the door to those in need. Change is something Occupy Charlotte is fighting for and will continue on until change seeps through. “I will continue to sleep on these grounds and walk around and letting people know of this injustice until our economy changes for us,” said Walker, who stands with a smile as he expresses his passionate thoughts regarding Occupy Wall Street.