Buzz Spotlight: Ciara Boderick of Johnson C. Smith University

It is a warm sunny day, classes are on a break; lunch and recess has started and the fun is now beginning.  These are the thoughts of the young girls at Bruns Ave. elementary school.

Ciara Boderick, a senior at Johnson C. Smith University, whose mission has been to surpass the impossible, has taken on a new journey towards building and shaping the future for young ladies. Known around campus as the creator and Founder of Blank Canvas Magazine, an on campus publication that showcases the talent of art and expression from the students of JCSU, has created an outreach organization entitled Sistah2sistah.

The organization’s focus is to help enrich the young female mind into understanding their full potential and positive outlook on life. The program has been quite a success garnishing more college women to join the movement.

Recently Ciara has established a weekly visit to the Bruns Ave. to dedicate time and effort toward being big sisters and mentors to these little princesses. Her huge contribution has allowed her to see many young girls become better students, better friends, and better selves.

The sistah2sistah movement has swept the campus of Johnson C. Smith University with over 30 women vowing time to go to these elementary schools to help empower these wonderful little girls that will one day help the nation.

“I take pride and dignity in helping my young girls see a better future, and if I just see one girl become that beautiful princess she is destined to be, I am fulfilled,” said Ciara, who was joyously smiling and in awe of what amazing things were to come for her little women as she would call them.

As the movement continues to strive, Ciara wants the dedication to continue on as she gears up for graduation this upcoming May. Imagine smiles, laughter, music, games, lessons, friendships, these are what these little girls or as stand corrected Princesses feel and hold on to with this organization.

“seeing my princesses inspires me to continue to be better and do better, I take what I see from them and help myself so I can help them,” explained Ciara as she headed out the door towards the car to journey off to yet another visit to Bruns Ave.

The futures of these little girls are so bright and sistah2sistah is there to open up the blinds and let the light shine. Ciara Boderick, woman of a calling and woman of excellence.