Stylish Buzz of the Week: Ashley Chisem of MSU by The Profashional

I would classify her style as a cross blend between vintage, hipster and chic!

By Shanece Austin "The Profashional"

Name: Ashley Chisem

Class: Sophomore

Repin'- Morgan State University

Describe your style : vintage, unique

Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland

Ashley’s style takes me back, actually before our time. It’s always good to have a breath of fresh air from the good ‘ol days. I would classify her style as a cross blend between vintage, hipster and chic! Every piece of her clothing speaks. Its like each article of clothing has a story and we have no choice but to listen. Not because we are forced but because we are intrigued. She beautifully expresses her style all while being fashion forward!


By Shanece Austin “The Profashional”