The Thirst is Real: Describing the Desperation in Detail

“Can I offer you a drink?” A co-worker asked this question and I laughed during another experience of what is adequately described as  “the thirst.”

When it comes to dating, please don't listen to this guy.

“Thirsty” or “thirst” can be defined as a male or female that portrays a certain level of desperation to get what they want. Also, most commonly, it is their way to “do the most” in hopes of gaining attention.

Although nothing is wrong with wanting attention from someone you have interest in, the tactics used are what characterizes one as “thirsty.”

Liking someone no longer involves being up front, either. Everyone uses discreet ways of grabbing someone’s attention. For instance,  guys use the excuse of borrowing a female’s book for class as a way of pursuing more than just notes.

Social networks are the most common methods  used when wanting that glass of water. Examples are things such as: playing the numbers game on Facebook or Twitter, mentioning someone in a Tweet (Ex:  “S/O @SOULful_M– — USE, #NF #followback'”) or the new trend where people over-exaggerate with the greater-than sign (“@SOULful_Muse avi >>>>>>>>”). If they’re really bold, they send a direct message via Twitter or a Facebook message (“Check your DM, beautiful.”) Don’t you hate it when you forget that you’re logged into Facebook Chat and someone you don’t want to talk to hits you with a “Hi stranger.”  I’ve been a stranger for a reason! All these strategies exemplify a person suffering from dehydration.

What about the  member of your group project who you exchange numbers with and then out of the blue, you get a text message from him/her asking “WYD?” (What you doing?).  Is that not the most disturbing and questionable approach, especially after midnight? The group project is over, it’s late at night, why are you texting me? They are not asking for notes or what they missed in class, but  getting very personal and annoying.

I spoke with a male who wishes to remain anonymous, and asked him if he has ever been thirsty. His reply was  “yes, I’ve been thirsty; I did a lot of tricking.” Tricking is a term used to describe one’s method of spending money on another person because they have the money to do it.

I then asked him after all that tricking, do you feel like she was worth it all? He replied, “No, we did not work out.”  Some would call that being thirsty or a “sucka, others would call it just being nice and showing how much you are into someone.

In a number of situations, attempting to quench one’s’ thirst is not the case. Some are genuinely sincere in their approach and not looking for more than only borrowing your book. We all want to pass with an “A” right? Sometimes we can be looking too much into requests or compliments.

Many can attest and agree that the word “thirsty” has become very popular yet overused. Although we all have had our moments where we just need a sip to cool us down, some want a glass or two.  Therefore, stop looking for others to obey your thirst.