During a discussion on Talladega College’s marching band inauguration performance on Wednesday’s broadcast of “The O’Reilly Factor,” Talladega College President Billy Hawkins told Bill O’Reilly “this is a great opportunity for our students.”
“I’ve had a lot of pressure on me, a lot of folks have come at me at a very, very negative matter, I’ve been personally attacked, they’ve threatened to oust the president at Talladega College, I’ve had, you know, alumni really come at me quite hard, not all of our alums but a fair number of alums have come at me very hard not wanting the band to participate in the inauguration.”
Dr. Hawkins offered his reason, saying:
“…this is a great opportunity for our students, and I’ve said that from the outset that that it’s about the students, it’s about them having an opportunity to participate in this national stage in this inaugural ceremony. It’s a civic ceremony and it’s not about politics.”