Meet Howard University’s DJ Magic

DJ Magic, aka Dionne, is a sophomore, Music Composition major from Atlanta, GA. She began her DJ career in her senior year of high school  and quickly learned just how important the role of a good DJ was.

“I really admire the fact that DJs love to have fun, hype people up, and make great memories no matter which genre the audience is into.”

– DJ Magic

Over the past few months she has developed her personal DJ style even more. Many would describe her as a DJ whose style is consistent and smooth, “laid back with a southern twist and feminine edge.”

Dionne’s overall passion for music came sort of out of the blue seeing ASB she didn’t grow up in a musical household. She went from elementary school chorus to middle school musical theatre and band in high school. At Howard she’s taken thisbpassion to new heights with music production in addition to her DJing. Her personal music taste is super diverse including favorite artists ranging from NAO to Dua Lipa;  she listens to music from just about ever genre.

A Message from the DJ 

“On July 21, I am releasing ‘Femme Fatale Vol. II’ the second installment of my all female hip hop and R&B mix. I’m extremely excited about it because I’ve grown tremendously as a DJ ever since I released the first ‘Femme Fatale’ and I’m looking forward to seeing how everyone reacts to the new artists and songs that I put into this one.

The ‘Femme Fatale’ series means the most to me because it was the first full-length mix that I ever did but I have to say that my favorite project overall is ‘Rise Up: The ATL Mix’. I made it in February 2017 when I got super homesick after the Atlanta Falcons made it to the Superbowl. I felt that I had to make something to pay homage to my hometown and show everyone how prominent Atlanta has become in hip hop culture in a short period of time.”

Make sure to stay updated on all of the latest news and projects by following DJ Magic  on her social media sites @yagirldjmagic. Check out some of her most popular mixes and videos below!

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

Femme Fatale Vol. II:
Rise Up: The ATL Mix: