Clark Atlanta University’s School of Education Earns National Accredidation

Clark Atlanta University’s School of Education dates back to the 1870’s when its parent institution, Atlanta University, began granting bachelor’s degrees, creating a cadre of public school teachers for classrooms throughout the South.

On June 11,2012 The National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education

(NCATE), announced its official accreditation of Clark Atlanta University’s (CAU) School of Education.

NCATE is the profession’s mechanism to help establish high quality teacher preparation and currently accredits 670 institutions that produce two-thirds of the nations’ new teacher graduates annually.

The accreditation covers initial teacher preparation and advanced programs offered for the purpose of preparing teachers and other school professionals to work in P-12 school environments.

The performance-based system focuses on six performance standards to improve the education of all P-12 students. CAU was cited for its strength in two of the six performance standards, Standards Three (Field experiences and clinical practice) and Standard Six (Unit governance and resources).

In 2004, NCATE Board of Examiners noted Standard Three as needing improvement.

CAU Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Joseph H. Silver Sr., Ph.D., states “ Our focus has been on creating an academically challenging, intellectually stimulating environment where the faculty as well as the students can grow and learn as they contribute to the body of knowledge in the field of education and By harnessing the collective experience and shared expertise among the faculty, the adjustments made resulted in commendation for our approach.”

The School of Education prepares students to surpass expectations on and off campus in both private and public school environments.

“ The field experience I was required to participate in introduced me to the real business of education. I had the opportunity to teach students from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds; There is no doubt that I will be able to teach at any place under any circumstance and successfully making students love learning.” Said proud Alumni of the School of Education, Paige Crumbie.

In addition to CAU’s commendation for strength in two areas, the School of Education confirmed its accreditation from the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP).

Clark Atlanta University is the only private HBCU and one of only six HBCUs nationwide to carry that distinction.

“It is essential that CAU structures and reinforces School of Education programming that is not only superior, but that evolves with the changing dynamic of the nation’s classrooms, most of which are increasingly diverse, increasingly underfunded and increasingly outpaced by modern, global technologies.” Says CAU President Carlton E. Brown.

The mission for the School of Education is to equip capable, creative change agents who can think above these circumstances, creating a bridge for students to realize their fullest potential and become successful, productive citizens and lifelong learners.

Dean of the School of Education Sean S. Warner, Ed.D., agrees. “This could not have happened without the creativity, expertise, collaboration and absolute passion for teaching and learning found among our School’s faculty and staff.”

In 2009, the School reported a 100 percent passage rate on the Georgia Assessment for the Certification of Educators II Examination.

“We now look to build upon this milestone and hope to continuously advance the course of teacher preparation as we continue our mission. This is indeed and honor; however, the true reward for our work is to see emerging educational leaders tap into our passion and carry it forward into schools, classrooms and institutions around the globe.” Continued Dr. Sean S. Warner, Dean of the School of Education.

The School provides graduate and undergraduate teacher preparation, and is one of only four institutions in the State of Georgia to offer the doctoral program in educational leadership leading to the PL-6&7 Certification.