FAMU Cannot Miss This

When I was growing up, my parents instilled in me several invaluable but simple concepts about opportunity.

First, there are always opportunities even in the worst of circumstances. However, one must look in order to see or recognize an opportunity when it presents itself. Once it is seen, you have to seize it, knowing that it may be a long time, if ever, in coming again. Too many opportunities are missed because they were not seen and seized by the very people who could benefit from them.

A shortened version of a popular Florida A&M fight chant is, “When the dark clouds hover, the Rattlers will strike and strike and strike again!” Hopefully the Rattler Nation will see and strike to seize the great opportunities now before it to make major improvements at FAMU, not just to get the institution back on track to being a top historically black college/university (HBCU), but on track to become a HGCU —­ historically great college/university.

With all the negatives pervading FAMU, some see only dark clouds, but there is actually a golden opportunity to return this university to greatness.

At the heart of the opportunity before the FAMU community is this period without a permanent president. It does not come often, but it can be a great opening to plan for change. It offers a chance for FAMU, through its Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, students and external community, to deliberate on the future course for the university and what it should become and represent. This can be a period of reflection to further define the institution; to objectively reassess its mission, core values, strengths and weaknesses; to develop realistic plans to build on the strengths and correct or cut its weaknesses; to identify new areas for growth and investment; and, most important, to estimate and identify the resources to support new plans.

Without forecasting and committing resources and establishing time lines, new plans are meaningless and their implementation futile. Such plans should be developed at every level, including departments, programs and schools. read more….