Clark Atlanta University ranks worst in student debt.

As tuition fees have increased, more students have trusted student loans to help finance their education and debt loads have gone up. This situation in turn has had an impact on individual students’ financial situations after graduation.

In a recent report, US News & World Report completed an analysis of colleges and universities where students graduated with the least and the most amounts of debt. Clark Atlanta University ranks at the top of schools where students leave with the most debt. The average debt at Clark Atlanta is $47,066. US News ranked 270 colleges for the 2013 Best National Universities, 229 of which reported data on graduates’ debt.

Howard University was ranked sixth of all schools with the least debt average of $15,080. Many of the Ivy League institutions were least likely to have graduates with high debt.

Financial aid expert, Mark Kantrowitz said, “Students borrowing to attend any college should research their school, major, and career options before taking out loans. The total amount you borrow should be less than your predicted starting salary after graduation.”