Bishop State Community College enrollment dips slightly

Following a local trend of college enrollments, Bishop State Community College’s numbers slightly decreased this fall.

The two-year community college’s numbers went from 3,984 last fall to 3,708 students this fall.

Until this year Bishop State’s numbers had steadily increased over the past few years.

“All of our colleges are experiencing a downward trend,” said James Lowe, president of Bishop State.

While the economy is playing a role for some of the decreases, Lowe said changes in Title IV requirements are also contributing to the lower number of students. Title IV establishes rules involving student financial assistance programs.

Lowe said the school is already promoting spring enrollment, getting information out on Facebook and Twitter and other social media sources.

“What has helped us over time has been TV advertisements, radio and billboards.

“We’re getting a lot more inquiries on our Website,” said Bishop State spokesman Herb Jordan. Just from the Website alone, he said, the school is getting five to six inquiries a day. read more…