Central State University Bans Smoking on Campus

After Vice President, Joe Biden, rebutted Congressman Paul Ryan’s point of view on Libya as, “a bunch of malarkey,” I try to be that one cool guy who puts use to the word, too.

[Ma-lar-key—noun:  Meaningless talk; nonsense.]

Well, in the latest news of ‘malarkey,’ Central State University recently approved this “Smoke-Free Policy:”Central State bans smoking

Effective Immediately

In order to promote the health of our students, faculty, staff and visitors, all Central State University campuses [CSU Dayton branch] are designated as smoke-free environments. Smoking is defined as the burning of tobacco or any other material in any type of smoking devices, including, but not restricted to, cigarettes, cigars, or pipes.

Smoking is prohibited in all Central State University-owned facilities and on the grounds of any university-owned property. This includes all buildings owned or controlled by Central State University, shelters, indoor and outdoor athletic facilities, indoor and outdoor theaters, bridges, walkways, sidewalks, parks, residence halls, parking lots and garages. Smoking is prohibited on sidewalks that adjoin university property. Smoking is also prohibited in any vehicle or equipment owned, leased or operated by Central State University.

Hate to say I told you so, but only a chump would think this isn’t ‘a bunch of malarkey.’

As a proud student leader on the yard, and an avid smoker, I believe this is unadulterated foolery at its best. Ironically, I had the opportunity to read such malarkey on jail cell bars (with a mild in hand) on my way to my dorm the other day.

[Notice I said ‘dorm’ instead of ‘residence hall,’ since they’re treating us like prisoners.]

Yes. I understand my beloved HBCU knows what’s ‘best’ for its students. But isn’t this college; where children come with a newly found personal freedom, and the ability to make their own choices in life? No, of course; this is high school all over again. Obviously.

Maybe Central State should try teaching ideas to its students, faculty and staff instead of forcing conformity. [Remember, we’re all adults, right!?]

But I digress. Rules are meant to be broken.

Above and beyond, I think I’m more excited to have another parent holding my hand like the child I am anyway, rather than facing the bad, bad world alone.

A junior at Central State University majoring in Journalism, Tommy is the Editor of HBCU Buzz and a Contributing Writer for Central State’s The Gold Torch. Follow him on Twitter.