Clark Atlanta student takes advantage of social media to find jobs


Check out Atlanta Journal-Constitution‘s Gracie Bonds piece about how a Clark Atlanta graduate used social media to leverage his career.


His senior year at Clark Atlanta University was quickly approaching, and Kareem Taylor was starting to worry about his future.

Would he be able to land a job as a voice actor or would he end up back home with his parents like so many other college graduates? Better still, how could he let people know he had “the” voice?

Not having prior experience or a network to draw from, Taylor turned to the only contacts he had readily available to him, his Facebook friends.

“I decided to post a demo on Facebook, asking people to share it with their friends,” Taylor said recently.

In that moment, Taylor joined an ever-growing number of college students and employers who are using social media networks in the search for jobs and job candidates.

In fact, according to a 2012 Future Trends Survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, 90.7 percent of respondents used Facebook in their job search.

Given the near-universal status of Facebook, which recently announced the launch of Graph Search to enhance users’ ability to navigate their connections, the study said, “it is expected that if a student were to think of using a social network in the job search, that student would first turn to the base social networking platform to see what it offered.”

Students are also turning to LinkedIn (40 percent) and Twitter (about 35 percent).

“LinkedIn, as a business networking platform, is clearly challenging Facebook for pre-eminent status among students as the networking platform to communicate with potential employers,” the study said.

Although nearly 66 percent of LinkedIn users felt that the service was effective compared to less than a quarter of users of other networking platforms, Taylor credits Facebook for helping him land employment with CNN.

Once he posted his demo on his Facebook page, Taylor said it caught the attention of CNN producer Danya Levine, who was already a Facebook friend. Levine invited him to the station, where he met her team.

“The head honcho said, ‘Let’s hear something,’” Taylor recalled. “I did something about CNN, and the whole room applauded.”

For the next few weeks, Taylor shadowed members of Levine’s team, editing tapes, meeting producers and learning everything at his disposal about the voice-over industry.


Read the entire piece The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.