Step into the Black Mans Closet by Khadijah Williams

At this day and age, black men are still looked at as “gangsters” thugs, criminals. Why is this?!

Step into the Black Mans Closet by Khadijah Williams

At this day and age, black men are still looked at as “gangsters” thugs, criminals. Why is this?! Are they subject to this because of the media or do African American men simply set their selves up for this stereotype? Does the way one dress signify their character. I believe one should always dress like what they represent! As we grow in age naturally your wardrobe matures as well am I wrong?!
As some of you may be close to graduating I ask of you will you step into the real world continuously wearing Nike Dunks, Jordans, Multi-Colored Fitteds, amongst other things. Do you pride yourself on waiting in line for hours to purchase the latest kicks? Which you probably just toss later because they’re No longer in style! Don’t you think it’s time to get your grown man on. Trade those Letterman Jackets in for a tailored suit maybe?! YOU be the Judge. It’s YOUR choice! How do you want to be represented?

By Khadiijah Williams
HBCUbuzz Staff