Cynthia Jackson-Hammond, who has held Central State University’s top office since July 1, offered some advice on risk taking:
“Taking a ‘big leap’ is the action one takes to accomplish what others think is an insurmountable task,” she said. “It’s seeing every challenge as an opportunity. When taking a ‘big leap’ I always think about who will be affected by my actions; the team of ‘others’ who should be a part of the action; and the long-range impact the action will have on future recipients.”
Jackson-Hammond is the eighth person and the first woman to lead the historically black school in its 126 years.
About Central State:
Central State University is Ohio’s only predominately African American public institution of higher education. The University actively promotes diversity in its student body, faculty and staff, even as the institution adheres to its core historical responsibility to educate young African American men and women.
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