Fire In Meridian Hall of Howard University – Letter from Andreya J. Davis

photo 2Dear Bison Community:

On Saturday, March 15, 2014. I returned to the Hilltop a changed woman after, experiencing my fourth trip as a participant of Howard University’s Alternative Spring Break program. This year, I spent my week in a building sleeping on cots, and without hot running water, I woke up everyday at 6:45am with more than 20 strangers ready to teach, mentor and explore. I was experiencing one of the best weeks of my life!

The Lower Ninth Ward was the setting; the theme was some inexplicable mixture between catastrophe and communal love. We, a cast of 29 Howard University representatives were first-hand witnesses of things the media could, rather would, never tell us. We learned many lessons; the greatest being take care of your own people, protect them, nurture them and most importantly, love them.

On Tuesday, March 18, 2014, reared against the eastern sky, the Howard community was put to the test again. A fire in Meridian Hill Hall wrecked havoc on the fourth floor of the near-capacity residence hall. An angel of protection ensured that no students (potentially 93) or staff was injured. However, several have been left displaced and without housing. We are now charged to meet the needs of our fellow Bison. WE must protect them, nurture them and most importantly love them. Even when the cameras are not rolling it is our duty to serve one another even as we seek to serve the global community.

I ask that you donate as you can. Necessities include but are not limited to male and female clothing, toiletries, and residence hall necessities such as cooking/cleaning/ school supplies, and non-perishable food items. Checks can be sent to Andrew Rankin Memorial Chapel CC/Memo: Meridian Hill Hall Relief


Material Donations can be sent to:

Carnegie Hall Office of the Dean of the Chapel 2395 6th Street NW Washington, DC 20059

In Truth and Service,

Andreya J. Davis