Dr. Wayne A.I. Frederick Named 17th President of Howard University

Headshot17thPresidentofHowardUniversity.fwFrom Howard University

(July 22, 2014)—The Howard University Board of Trustees accepted the unanimous recommendation of the Presidential Search Committee and voted to appoint Wayne A. I. Frederick, M.D., MBA, FACS, as the University’s 17th President during a meeting on Monday evening.

The Presidential Search Committee, chaired by Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., was comprised of all of the University’s stakeholder groups: students, represented by the president of the Howard University Student Association; alumni, represented by the president of the Howard University Alumni Association; faculty, represented by two Faculty Senate appointees; and a representative of the Howard University Staff Organization. The Committee included 15 alumni, nine trustees, including two trustees emeriti, five academicians, the Attorney General of California, a Vice President of the Lumina Foundation, and the Mayor of Atlanta.

“Selecting a university president is one of the most critical decisions a Board of Trustees is entrusted to make, and Dr. Frederick’s selection is the result of an extraordinarily thorough and thoughtful process,” Jordan said. “After conducting an exhaustive national search, we identified a finalist pool, comprised of both internal and external candidates. From this stellar group, Dr. Frederick stood out as supremely qualified, remarkably motivated, and uniquely suited to lead Howard University.”

Board Chairman Stacey J. Mobley said, “We conducted an inclusive national search and are excited to name Dr. Frederick as the next president of Howard University. He brings insight, energy, and the requisite vision to advance the Capstone through collaboration and engagement.”

Frederick has served as the University’s interim president since October 2013. A respected scholar, surgeon, researcher and administrator, he previously served as Howard’s Provost and Chief Academic Officer, charged with oversight of Howard’s 13 schools and colleges, as well as its health sciences enterprise.

“I am deeply honored to be selected by the Board of Trustees to lead this great University,” Frederick said. “Howard University has been an unparalleled catalyst since its founding, opening doors and expanding opportunity for untold individuals while driving research, innovation, service, and excellence. On the cusp of our 150th anniversary, I could not be more humbled to accept the mantle of leadership and embrace the sacred trust of our motto, Truth and Service.”

Frederick enrolled at Howard University as a 16-year-old from Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, to pursue his dream of becoming a physician. He earned a dual B.S./M.D. degree program at 22, and went on to enter a surgical residency at Howard University Hospital. He completed a post-doctoral research fellowship and a surgical oncology fellowship at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and earned a Master of Business Administration degree from Howard’s School of Business.

The Search Committee’s process was designed to be inclusive and transparent. It included a strategic institutional overview of Howard’s operational, organizational, competitive, and environmental challenges and opportunities. The overview served to inform the development of search criteria to match the needs of the University. The Search Committee also implemented an extensive engagement process with the Board’s Transition Committee. This engagement process included an online survey of all key stakeholders, seven on-campus forums, 16 alumni forums in various metropolitan areas across the country, and eight affinity group webinars. Insights gained from these outreach activities also guided the Search Committee’s evaluation of the candidates.

Jordan added, “I thank the members of the Search Committee for their tireless work, as well as members of the community who participated in stakeholder forums, webinars, and survey. This level of engagement is critical to advancing our University.”

Members of the Search Committee also expressed their support for the process.

Mercedes Vidal Tibbits, Ph.D. — Undergraduate Faculty Representative, Howard University Faculty Senate.

“As Faculty Senate representatives on the Presidential Search Committee, we participated in a comprehensive search process. Our voices were heard and our views shared. I was very satisfied with the depth and breadth of the search and the commitment to faculty engagement.”

James K. Pleasant — Director, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Services, Department of Physical Facilities Management, Howard University

“Having participated in the presidential search process, I am fully confident that the decision we made will pay dividends to Howard University for many years into the future under the dynamic leadership of Dr. Wayne Frederick.”

Dominique Perkins — President of the Howard University Student Association

“The search process was very thorough and transparent. I was humbled to be the undergraduate student representative. Along with the graduate student representative, we were able to advance student priorities and needs to all the candidates. I am excited about Dr. Frederick’s leadership.”

Kelechi C. Anyanwu — President of the Howard University Graduate Student Assembly and third-year doctoral student in the Counseling Psychology Program

“Dr. Wayne A.I. Frederick is an outstanding leader who exemplifies the characteristics, leadership qualities, experience, and connections needed to take Howard University to the next level of academic excellence.”

Chris Washington — President of the Howard University Alumni Association

“It was a great honor to be a member of the Presidential Search Committee. A new president represents a new era for Howard. I am happy and confident that our process was extensive and complete. I am in total support of our choice of Dr. Wayne A.I. Frederick as the 17th President of Howard and look forward to continuing our alumni engagement as we strive to achieve the mission and goals of the University.”​