WATCH: The Dream Defender’s #VestOrVote Ad Campaign

You maybe surprised to see this public-service ad campaign depicting African-American children in bullet proof vests. This social justice ad named “Vest or Vote” is a campaign organized by The Dream Defenders, a non-profit led by young African Americans, and calls the election of candidates wanting to repeal the state’s stand-your-ground law.

In an interview Ciara Taylor, a FAMU alumnus and the Political Director of the Dream Defenders, says the “Vest or Vote” campaign encourages more conversation on social issues. “The campaign is to engage in conversation with elected officials around issues in their community,” Taylor told HBCU Buzz in an interview.

“It’s about people being concerned about voting based on the candidate’s stance on each social issue rather than voting across political party lines. Our communities are attacked in many ways. #VestOrVote looks at the livelihood of Black and Brown people and the environment of Black and Brown communities. Without voting, people will keep their families in harms way,” she said.