Howard University had to evacuate students from a dorm around 8 p.m. on Tuesday after reporting a fire at the East Towers on campus. No students were harmed, according to the school newspaper The Hilltop, who was also among the first to break the news last night via Twitter.
In the aftermath of the fire, Howard officials followed the path of the student newspaper when it took to social media at 11:22 p.m. to thank the Howard community for their cooperation with firefighters and the Howard University police, saying in a post, “Impact letters will be provided to each resident of the East Towers to be shared with their professors for the remainder of the week.”
“The impact letters will be available at the Office of Residence Life, located in Campus Hall South,” said the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs in a Facebook post.
The post added, “The fire was contained and no injuries were reported. In an abundance of caution, East Tower residents have been evacuated and are currently being routed to Cramton Auditorium for further instructions.”
“My prayers [goes out to] those impacted and displaced due to these unfortunate events,” said Celeste M. Sharper commenting on the post above.
Another concerned person Charles D Sharp wrote, “Look into having an EM-101 course available for all students as a general education course for all student majors.”
After being evacuated residents of the East Towers were safely lead to other campus housing facilities by those helping out on the scene, some students were advised to go to nearby West Towers Community Room “until the ‘all clear’ is given.”
All students except those living on the 5th floor and up were able to return to their rooms.