Wilberforce University Continues Fight to Survive

16588181-mmmainBy Karen Farkas, NortheastWilberforce University submitted more than 3,000 pages of documents this week as it fights to keep its accreditation.

The oldest private historically black university in the nation hopes to show the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, the regional accrediting agency, that it has overcome serious problems, including a lack of leadership, a deteriorating campus, a decline in enrollment and financial issues.

The problems were outlined in a “Show-Cause Order” letter sent June 23.  The university had until Monday to respond. Commission officials will visit Feb. 9.

Since receiving the letter, the university has named a new president, realigned its board of directors, undertaken fundraising efforts and gathered experts to help  craft a response to the accrediting agency.

Millions are needed in order for the university, about 30 miles east of Dayton, to survive and maintain its accreditation. Without accreditation, the school could not offer federal grants and loans. READ FULL