The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Top 22 HBCU Stories of 2014

Charles Dickens writes in his novel A Tale of Two Cities, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief,” he said.

Dickens continues, “it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”

With this in mind,  let’s look at the best of times and the worst of times in 2014!

The Good

1. Virgin Islands Now has the Highest Alumni Giving Rate Among HBCUs

According to reports The University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) now has the highest alumni contribution rate of any historically black college and university (HBCU) in the nation after achieving an alumni giving rate of 52.49 percent for fiscal year 2014.

2. Basketball Legend Cheryl Miller’s Perfect Place at Langston University

Cheryl Miller, former WNBA superstar, is now coaching at historically black Langston University.

3. Pamela Wilson, Virginia State’s first Female President

Virginia State named Pamela Wilson as interim president. She is the first female to be the president of VSU.

 4. NIH Awards Morgan State $23.3M Biomedical Grant

Morgan State University was awarded a $23.3 million competitive grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that will go towards developing new approaches to engage researchers, with an eye to attracting more minority students to biomedical fields.

5. Xavier University’s $19.6 Million Dollar Grant Will Help Diversify the Future’s Biomedical Workforce

Xavier received a $19.6 million dollar grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to support the biomedical programs.

6. N.C. A&T State University is Now The Nation’s Largest HBCU

At 10,734, A&T is currently the largest HBCU in the country.

7. Areisa Peters, Student of Oakwood University: “There’s More Than One Type of Beauty.”

Areisa Peters, a student at historically black Oakwood University, launched a project called “Project Chocolate” which questions the stereotypes facing young Black women and rewrites the narrative of Black women.

8. Howard University Hospital Receives 11M Grant to Research Ebola and HIV

Howard received nearly $11 million in federal grants to research a new Ebola drug and HIV resistance related to sickle cell disease.

9. Trammell S. Crow’s $4.4M gift is biggest in history of Dallas’ Paul Quinn College

Paul Quinn received the largest donation in school history — $4.4 million from Dallas philanthropist Trammell S. Crow.

10. Hampton Award 3.5 Million in First in the World Partnership from US Department of Education

The Hampton University had a great 2014. Among its many accomplishments, arguably its best was a $3.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education.


The Bad

1. Spelman Indefinitely Suspends Cosby Endowed Professorship

Spelman College, which has had strong ties to Bill Cosby for decades, distanced itself a bit from the beleaguered star when the college indefinitely suspended his endowed professorship.

2. Howard University’s Running Back Fatally Shot

A Howard University Running Back was fatally shot in a robbery attempt over winter break.

3. Why Sorority Sisters Make You Want to Quit Life

The NPHC condemns the VH1 show “Sorority Sisters,” saying the show is “harmful, negative and stereotypical imagery of African-Americans in their quest for ratings”

4. NCAA: Arkansas Pine Bluff Allowed 124 Ineligible Players to Compete, Face Five Years of Probation

A NCAA Division I Committee Infractions panel banned UAPB from postseason play tied with a five year probation penalty for allowing at least 124 ineligible players to compete.

5. A TSU Student Shot Three Times Was Thought to Be a Halloween Prank

A Tennessee State student was shot three times while heading back to campus from a local Wendy’s.

6. Toni Morrison’s Papers will go to Princeton? Not Howard

Toni Morrison decided to give her papers to Princeton instead of her Alma Mater Howard.

7. TSU Student Shot and Killed During Robbery, Two Weeks Before Graduation

A Texas Southern student was shot and robbed two weeks before graduation.

8. Norfolk State to Raise Tuition

Norfolk State raises tuition for both in-state and out-of-state undergraduates to $7,552 and $29,320—an increase of $326 for in-state and $250 for out-of-state students.

For some in-state students, the cost of living on campus will now be just over $16,000, with the rate for room and board raised to an additional $250—$576 more than this year.

9. How the Obama Administration Failed to Support HBCUs

The Obama Administration and his Department of Education appropriated more than $171 million in federal funding to increase S.T.E.M. professional development at colleges and universities nationwide for the sake of equity for low-income and minority students. But just three historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) were given this same grant.

10. Charles Grant, Bowie State Coach Caught on Video Body-Slamming Student

University police is investigating Charles Grant. He can be heard shouting and cursing at the student before throwing him to the ground then into the bleachers as people are heard laughing in the background.


The Ugly

1. Lincoln University President Resigns After Sex Assault Remarks

After Langston University President makes derogatory remarks towards women, he resigns.

2. 654 Students at Kentucky State Sent Home for Unpaid Tuition, Room and Board Bills

Approximately 25 percent of the student population at Kentucky State University were forced out of their studies because of nonpayment on tuition and room and board bills.