NAACP’s Rev. William Barber Arrested During House Session #Buzz Killer

The Rev. William Barber, head of the North Carolina branch of the NAACP, was removed from today’s session of the N.C. House by General Assembly police officers after he shouted at legislators from the gallery. Barber and six others were placed in handcuffs after they chanted, “Do Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly With God.” The words are from a Bible verse, Micah 6:8.

They also chanted, “Fund education, not incarceration,” and “Save our children, don’t cut education.”

As he was being taken into custody, Barber said they were protesting the “extreme, draconian” budgets proposed by legislative Republicans. Both the proposed House and Senate spending plans would make deep cuts to nearly every area of state government, especially education and social programs.

Read Full Article News Observer