Students Protest UVA Student Martese Johnson’s Bloody Arrest

About 1,000 students gathered at the University of Virginia campus Wednesday night to demand justice for a student who was injured during an arrest and appears in a photo with a bloody face as he is being held down by an officer.
Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe has also called for an investigation into the early-morning arrest of Martese Johnson, whose lawyer said he needed 10 stitches in his head.

Johnson was charged with two counts: obstruction of justice without force, and public swearing or intoxication, Charlottesville General District Court records show.

virginia_student_arrest-e1426770639991The Alcoholic Beverage Control agent who made the arrest, listed in court records as J. Miller, said in the arrest report that Johnson “was very agitated and belligerent.”

A statement from a group calling itself “Concerned Black Students,” however, claims the arrest of Johnson was unprovoked and extreme.

[quote_box_center]“The brutish force used resulted in his head and bodily injuries,” the group said in a statement. “His treatment was unprovoked as he did not resist questioning or arrest.”[/quote_box_center]

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