Hampton University Suicide Being Investigated by Police

hampton University Suicide

Police in Hampton, Virginia are investigating a death that happened on the campus of Hampton University. It is believed to have taken place in the William R. & Norma B. Harvey Library where a student reportedly jumped from the 5th floor into the lobby on Friday morning.

Law officials believe the suspect/victim to be Physics major, Cullen Haviland. Haviland was a hardworking student and Historian of Sigma Pi Sigma, national physics honor society. No foul play is suspected at this time.



[quote_box_center]” At 11:30 a.m. the Hampton City Police responded to a call for service at the Hampton University library. The Hampton City Police is investigating the death of an individual. Victim ID is unknown. According to the City of Hampton Police Chief Terry Sult, “we do not suspect foul play at this point. However, it is early in the investigation and any information is subject to change.” Chief Sult, indicated that the city is in partnership with the Hampton University Chief of Police, David Glover to assist with the joint investigation. “[/quote_box_center]

We will report updates as soon as they are made. Our condolences are with the Pirates of Hampton University.