Fayetteville State University Ranks 143 among Top U.S. Business Schools in SSRN Research Ranking

The Social Science Research Network (SSRN) lists the School of Business and Economics at Fayetteville State University at 143 among its ranking of top U.S. Business Schools.

SSRN is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research and ranks schools “in an attempt to measure the scholarly impact of the authors currently affiliated with the organizations.” The SSRN rankings are based on the total number of faculty papers and citations downloaded, with the main ranking determined by the number of papers downloaded within the past year. For the ranking released May 2011, Fayetteville State University ranks 143 and is among the top five in the state of North Carolina: Duke (14), UNC at Chapel Hill (18), NC State (84), and UNC at Greensboro (146). FSU Chancellor James Anderson stated, “This ranking reflects the scholarly expertise and commitment of the faculty in the School of Business and Economics. FSU business students and graduates are trained by some of the best. I also feel a sense of personal validation because FSU’s ranking has surpassed that of my beloved alma mater, Villanova University (156). For decades Villanova has served as my benchmark for high quality undergraduate education.” Dr. Edward Stringham’s role has been significant in increasing the university’s current ranking. “I am honored to have contributed to the School of Business and Economics’ higher ranking. We are incredibly appreciative of the support and investment in our program from the BB&T and Koch Foundations, and I am looking forward to seeing this upward trajectory continue,” he stated.

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