Delaware State University has recently expanded its partnerships in China

Delaware State University has recently expanded its partnerships in China with agreements with three universities that will bring about 60 Chinese students to DSU in the fall and send DSU faculty members to teach in that Far East country.
DSU President Dr. Harry L. Williams and Dr. Alton Thompson, provost and vice president of Academic Affairs, recently returned from China where new accords were signed with Ningbo University of Technology, Sanming University and Zhaoqing University.
“We had a good meeting of the minds with these three universities,” Dr. Williams said. “We all want the same thing for our students – to provide them the opportunity to grow intellectually by exposing them to other cultures, something we have agreed to work together to make happen.” The agreements with Sanming University and Zhaoqing University facilitate student and faculty exchanges with DSU. About 60 Chinese students from those two institutions will attend DSU in the fall as part of the American Cultural Program, in which the students will take English courses to improve their fluency and also courses in American literature and history. While in China, Dr. Thompson gave an address at the dedication of the Global Village at Jilin Hauqiao Foreign Language Institute, which entered into a formal agreement with DSU in 2010 and will send students here in the fall. Dr. Thompson impressed the audience of more than 1,000 with his knowledge of Confucius, and left no doubt that the Jilin students would be in good hands at DSU. “Our number one job is to give our students a quality education, such that they will become well-read, well-spoken, technically proficient, socially responsible and globally competent as productive and contributing citizens in our knowledge-based global society,” Dr. Thompson told the audience. Another 40 Chinese students from Sanming and Zhaoquig will enroll at DSU in a regular degree program during the upcoming school year. According to Dr. Fengshan Liu, DSU associate vice president of International Affairs who also made the trip to China, many of those degree-seeking students will be enrolled in the University’s MBA program.

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