HBCU Young Alumni Series: Life After Graduation ft. Tisha Jaye

Photo cred. Ryan Alston @ryanalstonphotography

The purpose of the HBCU Young Alumni Series is to documents the journeys of success stories in the making. This project is dedicated to graduates who managed to do the work, create opportunities for themselves, and have now reach a new level, or on the brink of achieving, success. These go-getters defy the myths of reality and prove that life after graduation can be rewarding and, essentially, is only what you make it.

This week on HBCU Young Alumni Series, we interviewed La’Tisha Price, professionally known as Tisha Jaye, founder and owner of EducateDance Inc, yet another alumna of the illustrious North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University.

CH: EducateDancer offers opportunities available to women of all ages and expertise levels. At what point did you know that this was something you wanted to do?

TJ:  I knew this was something I wanted to do once I finished my years of collegiate dance at North Carolina A&T State University. I did not find a dance studio that could feed me creatively as well as artistically. I have a very big love and passion for both education and the arts. I also wanted to put a huge emphasis on getting adults to continue dancing as well as college students who may have had studio’s in their hometowns. I love the new family bonds that are being created at our studio and I am extremely excited for the future.

CH: I’m sure you are! Owning a business comes with its set of challenges. What did you learn in college that you are able to apply from a business standpoint?

TJ: The funny thing is, I’ve never taken a business course or entrepreneurship class. I was heavily active in the band each year of college. Everything that I learned in marching band is what has helped me to be a successful business owner. I have developed characteristics and traits that make me a great business woman. My dedication and work ethic is what has gotten me so far. I don’t believe in quitting, my faith is strong, I am confident, and I know that if God wants it for me then it’s already mine. That is how I operate.

CH: Obviously, education is a huge factor in the mission of your studio. What else do you hope the younger girls will gain from being a part of EducateDancer?

TJ: I hope that young girls can gain a sense of self- realization and love. Society is a lot different from when I was 6, 10, or 17. There is a different social media app for each day of the week, reality tv is everywhere and making people extremely famous. I think sometimes our young girls can get lost in some of the foolishness that is portrayed through these outlets. I want girls to put the electronics down, start moving, and realize that you don’t have to be “contoured and snatched” in order to be beautiful. Enjoy being who you are, period!

CH: *laughs* I definitely know what you mean in regards to technology and the beauty standard of social media.

CH: On to a separate, yet equally important, topic, let’s talk about you being newly engaged. First of all, congratulations! How do you manage to juggle that plus everything that comes along with running a non-profit organization?

Photo cred. Tiffany Brown

TJ: Thank you! It is very difficult to do many things at this point in life. But I look at this as a complete blessing; I could be bored with absolutely nothing to do. My fiancé is my biggest support system. He supports me mentally and spiritually with everything that I do. I can honestly say sleep is very minimal in my life at this point, but I would not trade it for anything in this world.

One thing that I keep in the front of my mind and heart at all times is that I am getting ready to become a wife. My relationship with my husband is first and just as important as my business. As an entrepreneur and a soon to be wife my focus is to make sure I invest the same amount of work and dedication into my marriage as I do my business.

CH: On days that get overwhelming, what motivates you to keep going?

TJ: Honestly, yoga! I have become super heavy into yoga because it has really brought a new light into my life. It helps me to remain focused and centered with my body and spirit. It relaxes me after such a busy day. On Fridays I start off with Yoga at 5:30am. I attend YogaMindset in High Point, NC and my instruct is Fred Hoffman. The environment and support of the people that attend that studio is absolutely amazing. I have recently added Yoga to my dance studio on Saturdays 1:00pm-2:00pm for children.