Receiving the key is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon anyone from Mayor Jerry Gist for the consistency of hard work done for the Jackson Community. The young men are always working on community service initiatives that aim for manly deed, scholarship, and love for all mankind.
“When they informed us we would be receiving the key to the city the feeling was indescribable. It’s an accomplishment that many don’t get to receive,”
stated Keenan Lowery, Mr. Lane College 2015-2016 and a spring initiate of the Beta Upsilon Lambda chapter. The chapter has made great strides to carry out Alpha Phi Alpha national initiatives of A Voteless People Is A Hopeless People, Go-To-High School Go-To-College, My Brother’s Keeper, and Project Alpha.
Ikenna Anyanwa, a spring initiate of the Beta Upsilon Lambda chapter, told WBBJ News Channel 7 that each member comes from a different background but that’s what brings them together. “The fact that we have a key to the city means we are more with people who are a part of the town,” stated Anyanwa.