“Spelman College will convene a task force to address the all-women’s and historically black school’s admission policy for transgender students, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reports. The Atlanta college could join a growing list of leading women’s colleges that welcome transgender women applicants.
The announcement came with little fanfare, tucked into a single sentence near the end of President Mary Schmidt Campbell’s welcome back letter posted to the school’s website: “Ingrid Hayes, vice president for Enrollment Management will convene a task force that makes a recommendation to the president on the admission and enrollment of transgender students.””
“Admission is granted to our circle of faith to all true believers — white and Black,” the letter read, “and brown and yellow; men and women, straight, gay and transgender; rich and poor; Christian, Jewish, Muslim — all faiths; north and south, east and west, spanning the seven continents.”
Perhaps, the most important thing for students at Spelman to realize is this: Spelman wants to talk about LGBT issues within Spelman and the HBCU community.
If the school didn’t, it wouldn’t be Spelman.