Mothers Of The Movement Host Roundtable Discussion At NCAT

In 2016, the number hashtags increase, as the statistics continue to prove that black lives don’t matter in this country. At this point, racism is disease most of us don’t know how to cure. As much as protection and liberty for all matters, minority groups are the ones who suffer the most, because they seem to be the exception in this country. Despite the blatant acts of racism and countless number of senseless murders that happen across this nation, especially in the black community, there’s still hope, thanks to people who fight relentlessly for the sake of black lives and for the freedom of the groups that continue to face oppression daily.

Mothers of the Movement play a leading role in the Black Lives Matter campaign, which is a sub-organization composed of the mothers of those who were killed at the hands of police officers in the past 4 years. On September 19, 2016, three of these phenomenal women, the mothers of Sandra Bland (Geneva Reed-Veal), Dontre Hamilton (Maria Hamilton), and Eric Garner (Gwen Carr) graced the campus of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in a roundtable discussion, dealing with issues such as race, mental health, politics and being voices in a society that wants to silence us. All three have worked closely with their local governments and Hillary Clinton in this presenditial election to attempt to bring about serious change. It was not only an honor to be in the pressence of these dynamic women, but also an inspiration to emerse ourselves in our own individual movements for the cause, register to vote (by October 14, 2016), and empower others to do the same.

Although the video is semi-long, I wanted other students across the nation to have an opportunity to seize what was in store for us coming from these mothers. You can check out the entire video below.