Tyra Banks Visits Spelhouse Homecoming Urging Students To Vote

Spelhouse Homecoming is a time of celebration, recognition, and appreciation for Spelman and Morehouse.

Alumni, family, and friends of the colleges from all over the world come together to enjoy the campuses they once called home. Every year Spelhouse Homecoming is extravagant and memorable, but this year a powerhouse Media Mogul made this year extra special. Late Friday night a news outlet released word that Former Daytime Talk Show Host, Tyra Banks would be visiting the campuses of Spelman and Morehouse College on Saturday for Homecoming. Early Saturday morning all rumors were put to rest when Banks tweeted herself that she would be at Morehouse.

Following the announcement on Twitter, students at both Morehouse and Spelman were excited to get a chance to see Tyra Banks.

During the Spelhouse Tailgate experience members of the AUC were everywhere searching for where Tyra would be, how long she would be there and what would she have to say. These people didn’t have to wait much longer because, by the afternoon, Tyra had made her way to the campus of Morehouse. Everywhere Tyra went she was welcomed with smiles, hugs, and adoration. Each person Tyra encountered she expressed that her intention was to get young millennials, especially HBCU students to vote and to vote early.
There was no ambiguity as to who Tyra Banks was urging the AUC to vote for as she has made it public that she is a Hillary Clinton supporter.

Early that morning, before her visit to the AUC, Tyra sat down with CNN expressing her support for Clinton and why it is important for everyone to vote. During her interview with CNN Tyra said, “I’ve been watching this election as everyone has…[and] as things are so close, I felt that it was my duty, my responsibility, to speak up and to support her.”

Tyra did just that at Morehouse as she spoke and inspired everyone to vote early and to let their voices be heard. The AUC community seemed very appreciative of Tyra’s visit and impacted by what she had to say.

Following many hugs, pictures, and selfies, Tyra stopped by the AUC Greek Step Show and took the stage reiterating the same message. In the world where many HBCU students feel neglected and unheard, it was very timely and admirable that Tyra Banks stopped by the AUC to remind everyone in attendance of their power and voice. By the looks of the pictures online, Tyra seemed to have a very enjoyable time as well. We hope this is not the last time we see her in the AUC.