5 Reasons Why Bingx and Caleb Brown Should be Added to Your Playlist

Who is Bingx? Bingx is an energetic lyricist who refuses to be placed in a box. He’s also a singer, writer, producer and musician. Bingx is forever evolving, creating music that reaches across multiple genres.

Who is Caleb Brown? Caleb is a young rapper from Louisiana, whose music reflects the disbelief, pain and passion he houses for his community.  Brown doesn’t shy away from expressing his feelings nor does make ask for apologies.

Both rising artists are uniquely talented and relatable, so here’s why HBCU students should consider adding Bingx and Caleb Brown to their playlists.

Caleb Brown is Young, Black, And Unafraid to Speak his Truth

So many HBCU students are protesting, signing up for political organizations on campus, or simply joining national conversations on social media. The current state of this country, keeps the HBCU community rallying together and speaking up when necessary. Brown believes in taking a stand and protesting through his music. “I’m here to tell stories and help people through their situations. 4 My Dawgs is one of my favorite songs to date, because I speak about the ills of mass incarceration.”

Bingx’s Music Reflects his Growth

College makes you grow up. It forces you to handle your business and make important changes in your life.  Bingx believes that his growth has helped him to mature personally as well as musically. ” My music represents all of the growth in me. I went from rapping about doing drugs and smoking weed, to speaking about more progressive topics, like my dreams, fatherhood, and other positive things happening in my life.”

Music is Life for Caleb Brown

A huge percentage of students listen to music in the car, on the bus, on the way to class, in the dorm rooms and many other places. Music can help you get through a break up, crush a work out session or simply dance like crazy with your friends. We are all part of the musical atmosphere and Caleb Brown is no different. ” When you listen to music it makes you feel.  I use writing, recording and performing as therapy treatments for my life.”

Bingx isn’t afraid to Tackle the Bullies

Before you made it to college, your high school most likely consisted of at least one bully. Or maybe you were the victim of bullying? Either way, Bingx wrote the song Bully to spread awareness about kids who are ill equipped to deal with their emotions.  “I have turrets, I was always an outcast for it. So I know what its like to feel pressured by those who think they are popular. Also, the mass school shootings became more relevant, so I wanted to make people aware of how easy it is for shootings to happen when someone feels bullied.”

2 songs Caleb Brown and Bingx want you to add to your playlist

Caleb Brown-  “Holy Ghost and 4 My Dawgs, because they speak about issues that are prevalent in the black community. I think some HBCU students would most definitely connect to those songs”

Bingx – “It’s A Big Deal and In my 64 are both on my newly released album My E.G.O. and I create vibes, so everyone should enjoy”


For Caleb Brown Music: https://soundcloud.com/calebbrwn 

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWns0wJUvHs&w=560&h=315]


For Bingx Music: http://bingxmusic.com; https://soundcloud.com/bingxmusic

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdiBBH_mMCA&w=560&h=315]