Morehouse Man Looking To Inspire A Generation

Ivan Gaskin is a 2016 Graduate of Morehouse College graduating with a degree in Computer Science. During his time at Morehouse, Ivan was active on campus as he served as his senior class president. He also created a scholarship initiative for students, advocated for sexual assault prevention and created a mobile app. Today Ivan has a new venture. As an agent for change and conscious Morehouse Man, Ivan is looking to inspire a generation with his new video series. On his Instagram, @ivan_gaskin, Ivan threads motivational videos with excellent cinematography with the goal of encouraging his peers.

As a student of Les Brown and Tony Robbins, Ivan is looking to make a difference.

“I realized that while people spent quite a bit of time on IG, I didn’t think that there were as many outlets that challenged people to learn to love the fight of becoming who they wanted to be as were necessary to meet the demand. As a result, I am working to help stand in that gap by providing content that people can grow from and in doing so continue to grow myself in the process.”

A weekly format of Ivan’s videos is his QCQ Wednesday format where he states a quote, introduces a challenge and concludes with a question. His intention behind this model is to teach individuals to not only have a better self-image and more love for themselves but also to learn how to live in love and let it soak through their daily lives so that it impacts others.

Ivan is also targeting the racial wealth gap within the black community.

People don’t realize that the average black net worth is 1/10th of what it is than that of white counterparts. While we all know that there are obvious reasons for much of this disparity, education in the realm of finances must be a paramount priority if we ever want to compete or even have enough to pay the price to compete.”

He believes that his time at Morehouse was vital to his success.

I gained a much deeper understanding of self and a much stronger confidence in that knowledge than I had upon my arrival. I carry the values that I first learned under the roof of Scott and Robbie Gaskin my mother and father along with my Younger brother Myles, but these values sharpened at Morehouse in everything that I do in life.”

Ivan is pressing towards the mark of excellence as he believes that time is of the essence. He encourages his viewers to “start today.” Gaskin understands that ideas have a “self life” and those ideas will manifest in the world. Ivan believes that you must let these ideas manifest through you. He concluded by saying, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great.”

The work that this Morehouse man is doing is essential and vital. To learn more about Ivan Gaskin, follow his Instagram @ivan_gaskin.

Check out the video below featuring Ivan’s senior profile for Morehouse’s 2016 Graduating class.