Tougaloo Alumnus And NAACP Prez Derrick Johnson Offers His Own Take On SOTU

Derrick Johnson offered his own take of President Donald Trump and the State of the Union last night.

The Tougaloo College graduate and NAACP CEO and President gave his opinion in an email sent to those subscribed to the latest news regarding the NAACP.

Here’s the entire text below.

“As the Washington Post reported, we offered our own take on the State of the Union last night:

“Even before President Trump took to the lecturn to deliver his first State of the Union speech, the rebuttal was well underway at Shiloh Baptist Church in Washington.”

Our event – The Real State of Our Union – gathered academics and activists for a frank assessment of President Trump’s impact on African-American and immigrant communities. Watch a live recording of the event here.

Leaders of different generations, political parties, and faiths called upon us to build a coalition that stands for unity and justice. They reminded us that no matter the half-truths that the administration tells, we must be steadfast in our resistance.

While Trump rallied for a wall on the Mexican border and took credit for a low Black unemployment rate, our panelists called attention to critical civil rights concerns in 2018: rampant voter suppression, a corrupt criminal justice system, and attacks on immigrant communities.

Our best weapon against Trump’s divisive words and deeds? The vote. In a democracy, our vote is our currency. We must protect it with everything we have and use it at every turn.

Join the thousands who are fighting every day to make democracy work for everyone.”