Preserving Communities of Color to Hold Conference at Texas Southern

HOUSTON (October 23, 2018) – The Preserving Communities of Color (PCOC) conference, which explores the social, institutional and economic changes that impact communities of color across the nation, will hold the first day of the three-day (Nov. 1-3) event on the Texas Southern University campus. On Thursday, Nov. 1, PCOC will convene in the School of Public Affairs Building auditorium, with free admission for TSU students (must present student ID), and they may register here. Student lunch tickets may be purchased herefor $12.

The day will include several panel discussions, workshops and keynote speakers, with the following schedule:


7-8 a.m.                       Registration
8-8:50 a.m.                  Disrupting Brazil! (Sara Zewde)
9-9:50 a.m.                  Historic & Cultural Assets Planning (Ana Mod)

10-10:50 a.m.              Disrupting Third Ward! (Asata Richards)

11-11:50 a.m.               Archives & Repositories (Area archivists & librarians)
12-1 p.m.                     Lunch & Tour (TSU Terry Library Special Collections)
1-1:50 p.m.                  Inspired by Africa! (Wyking Garrett, Africatown Community Land Trust)
2-2:50 p.m.                  Community Planning – Plans that Work in Communities of Color
3-3:50 p.m.                  Friends & Allies Panel – How to Make Your Partnership Successful
4-4:50 p.m.                  Data & Research (Lester King, Ph.D.)


For more information about the PCOC and the full schedule of its 2018 conference, visit

8a to 3pm. Join us in the historic community of Third Ward, Texas for a jam packed day of panel discussions, workshops and key speakers. We will also share recommendations from the 2017 conference and plans to implement unified goals.


Texas Southern University (TSU) honors our designation as a special-purpose institution for urban programming and research. TSU is a comprehensive university providing higher education access to the nation’s underserved communities. TSU’s academic and research programs address critical urban issues, and prepares its diverse student population to become a force for positive change in a global society. TSU offers more than 100 undergraduate and graduate programs and concentrations – bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral and professional degrees – organized into 10 colleges and schools on a 150-acre campus nestled in the heart of Houston’s historic Third Ward. The University’s enrollment has a population of more than 10,000 undergraduate and graduate-school academic candidates. Texas Southern has been a distinguished educational pioneer since 1927, and the University has become one of the most diverse and respected institutions in Texas. TSU has positioned itself as a proactive leader in educating underserved students and many who are the first in their family to attend college.

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