DSU Debuts One-Of-Its-Kind Wellness Program

The mental health of Delaware State University students will be supported thanks to a unique program just announced by the university. Learn more about it in the release by Mike Rocheleau at Delaware Business Times below.

Credit: Delaware State University

Delaware State University announced they will be partnering with the RADical Hope Foundation and Bank of America to offer a first-of-its-kind RADical Health wellness program for students designed to help them meet the physical, mental, and emotional challenges of college life. Bank of America is funding the four-week program that leads students through guided experiences on staying well/staying resilient, empowering yourself, connecting with others; and engaging with your world.

RADical Hope was founded by Pam and Phil Martin following the 2017 suicide of their son, Chris Martin, during his junior year at Gonzaga University. The Foundation is committed to addressing America’s youth mental health crisis by building resilience in young lives. This four-week pilot program is being offered at Delaware State University, Drew University, Fairfield University, New York University, Pace University, University of Miami, and Wesleyan University, and RADical Hope intends to expand the offering nationwide in the near future.

“Students arrive on campus needing mental, physical and emotional health skills,” said RADical Hope CEO Liz Feld in a statement. “RADical Health gets right to the heart of it by empowering them with tools and resources to build resilience so they’re equipped to cope before they reach a crisis. We engage with schools that have a demonstrated commitment to the overall wellness of their student community. Our early partners are leading the way.”

President Tony Allen (Credit: Delaware State University)

“A critical element in our ability to help students transform their life trajectories is thinking outside the classroom,” said University President Tony Allen in a statement to press. “That’s why we offer professional advising, tutoring, health services, and financial literacy training. This alliance with RADical Hope takes us to a new level in being able to directly address critical wellness issues when students come to campus. That’s a huge step forward in improving retention and giving students the tools they need to focus on their academic experience. And, as usual, it’s hardly surprising to find Bank of America again stepping up in support.”

“RADical Hope is doing critical work to expand mental health resources at Delaware State University and the other pilot campuses across the nation,” said Chip Rossi, President of Bank of America Delaware. “This support will give Delaware State University students access to programs and tools that can help improve their mental, physical and emotional wellness as they strive for academic, personal and career success.”

Dr. Robert C. Mason, Chairperson of the Department of Public and Allied Health noted, “Close to 20% of incoming freshmen across the nation enter college struggling with some form of mental health issue; depression, anxiety, ADHD, and others. That’s a major obstacle to their success, because we know that nearly two-thirds of those who leave college do so in part because of those issues, and we need the tools to deal with that challenge head on.”

The RADical Hope Foundation expects the nationwide expansion of the program to reach one million college students over the next few years. “We are excited to be with them at the very beginning,” Mason added.