It’s Not Too Late to Find An HBCU Summer Camp For Your Kids

HBCUs may be thought of as just campuses for college-age students, but they’re so much more. Often during summers, HBCUs offer opportunities for local youth to expand their knowledge in facilitated programs. Learn more in the AFRO D.C. story by Deborah Bailey.

This summer, HBCUs across America are opening their campuses to children and teens of all ages. (Photo Credit: Jeswin Thomas/

Summer is the time to introduce the young person in your life to a (Historically Black College and University) HBCU campus.  Let’s say you attended an HBCU, and want to instill that priceless HBCU love in your offspring.  On the other hand, perhaps, you’ve never stepped foot on one of the nation’s 109 public and private federally designated Historically Black Colleges and Universities.  Either way, Summer at an HBCU – either in your state – or across the nation represents an incredible time to help the young person in your life learn a new skill, make new friends and experience the rich history, culture and continuing resilience of Black folks in America through an HBCU.   

Most camps have started offering in-person options again, giving you and your young person an opportunity to experience both the campus –and the camp.  Eat in the college cafeteria, explore the college library and visit the classrooms.  Walk across campus and engage college students who will be in summer sessions of their own, when you drop your child off at your chosen HBCU summer camp. Stay close to home or combine an HBCU youth camp experience with a trip to visit relatives out of state.   

Summer is almost here, so if you still don’t have choices nailed down for the child or teen in your life – c’mon, let’s get it.  Spaces for HBCU summer camps across the nation are at a premium now and be sure to check out whether the camp is daytime only, or offers a residential option on campus. The camps below still have open deadlines in fields ranging from general summer enrichment to STEM (Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics) and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) camps to sports camps.      

Albany State University – Albany Georgia: STEM Pre-College, June 6-17 (ages 15-17); STEM Enrichment June 13- July 1 (Ages 10-18); Music and Visual Arts Summer Camp (ages 11-17) and others.

Bowie State University – Bowie Maryland: Girls Who Will Summer Camp (rising middle and high school) waiting list available; Computer Programming for the Under-Represented (virtual camp) (ages 12-17) Boys only; June 27-July 8;

Coppin State University – Baltimore, Maryland – Matheletics Summer Camp (rising 7-9 graders) July 11-29

Jackson State University – Jackson Mississippi: Coding Academy (age 18) June 6-July 1; hurry deadline soon); Volleyball Skills Camp (Age 11-13); Summer Bridge Program; (graduating seniors) June 6- July 9; 

Morgan State University – Baltimore, Maryland:  Summer STEM Day Camp 2022 for K-12 (ages 5-18) SESSION 1 July 11th – 15th, SESSION 2 July 18th – 22nd, SESSION 3 July 25th – July 29th

Prairie View A&M University –Prairie View, Texas: 4-H Junior Youth Leadership Lab (rising 6-8 graders) July 5-7. Registration starts June 1; Panther STEM Residential High School Career Exploration Camp (Grades 9- 12) July 24-July 30; Summer College Prep for pre-med (rising juniors and seniors) June 27-June 30 hurry deadline approaching;

Xavier University – New Orleans: MATHStar I/CHEMStar/PHYStar (rising high school students) Deadline May 27;

University of the District of Columbia; WEAVE Summer Camp (Young Women Exposed Actively to the Value of Engineering) (grades9-12) June 18-22; of Maryland Eastern Shore – Princess Anne, Maryland: HAWKS MUREP Precollege Summer Institute (grades 9-12) July 10-22, contact Dr. Joseph Arumala; Japanese Summer Language Experience (rising 8-12 grades) July 11-22; Chinese Summer Language Experience (rising 8-12 grades) July 11-22.