Lincoln University of Missouri Ends Provost Search With New Hire

Missouri’s Lincoln University has selected a new leader, and he’s an alumnus of Southern University A&M! Learn more in the story by Ryan Pivoney at the News Tribune below.

After nearly a year of searching, Lincoln University has a new provost and vice president of academic affairs.

Michael Self has accepted the roles, and in Lincoln’s top academic affairs post, he will oversee the university’s academic planning and work on new initiatives across academic departments. He will begin working remotely Aug. 1 before transitioning to campus full time Aug. 15.

“Lincoln has a rich history and legacy of assisting students with achieving their life goals,” Self said in a university news release. “I was most attracted to Lincoln because of the amazing synergy between the university’s strategic and academic plans, which focus on building a welcoming culture as a framework for sustained academic excellence and student success.”

In his role as provost, Self will work with University President John Moseley and Lincoln’s executive leadership team to set the direction of academic strategies and operations for the institution in Jefferson City, including implementation of Lincoln’s strategic plan, administration of educational budgets and review of teaching and learning throughout the university.

During the search, Moseley said he wanted a provost with previous experience as a provost or associate provost. He said he wanted someone who communicates well with faculty, staff and students, and who understood the needs of Lincoln students.

Self previously served as assistant provost and dean of graduate studies at Metropolitan State University in St. Paul, Minnesota. He’s also been the vice president for assessment at Community College of Allegheny County in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and dean of instruction for career and technical education at Bakersfield College in Bakersfield, California. Self has also held a vice provost position at Miami Dade College and vice president position at Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee.

“Dr. Self’s experiences will be a great addition to our team as we work (to) help our students advance their academic achievements,” Moseley said. “His background in university assessment and institutional research will inform data-driven decisions, enabling Lincoln to respond to student needs efficiently and elevate our classroom instruction to support student achievement.”

Self earned a doctor of philosophy degree in science and mathematics education and master of science degree in mathematics from Southern University and A&M College, as well as a master of arts degree in theological studies from Liberty University.

Self’s selection ends Lincoln’s months-long national search for a provost, which was revamped in March after three candidates were brought to campus but not offered the position.

When the LU Board of Curators started the search process in 2021, it paid around $130,000 for Greenwood/Asher & Associates, an outside search firm, to assist with finding a university provost and president. What resulted was Moseley, who was serving as interim president, being selected for the permanent president position and three provost candidates identified but none selected.

Moseley, after being named university president, began overseeing the provost search in March. Candidates were brought to campus last week.