Theraflu Helps People Get Ready For Flu Season With Hot Routines

Learn how to protect yourself this flu season with these helpful hot routines brought to you by Theraflu.

The leaves are finally starting to fall, there’s a cool breeze in the air and the holidays are quickly approaching. 

While this may be the best time of the year for some, it can also be the worst as flu season reemerges. These are especially hard times for college students; having to worry about staying healthy while also gearing up for midterms and finals – the pressure’s on. That’s why it’s so important to implement healthy self-care practices into everyday life. 

One of the best ways to take care of yourself during this flu season is to practice “hot routines” to keep you healthy, happy, and feeling renewed.

A few people who have been taking heed of this advice are family content creator and busy father of two, La Guardia Cross, lifestyle personality, content creator, and photographer, Rosalynn Daniels, and the founder of the Balanced Black Girl podcast, Balanced Les

“Making sure I carve out time to recharge and take care of ME has to be a priority. And I’ll give you a pro-tip…it doesn’t have to add another thing to your plate. Think of ways you can weave in self-care to the things you are already doing…” says Les.

Les uses her podcast to help Black & Brown women reach their wellness goals through meaningful conversations about physical and mental health. She shares her “hot routine” of trading an everyday shower for a hot bath and taking the time to self-reflect and check in with herself. 

After putting the kids to bed, LaGuardia Cross also makes time for himself and decompresses by taking part in a hot foot soak routine following a long day. “Self-care is necessary, it helps us reset and keep our bodies healthy,” he says. 

Mom and family recipes expert, Rosalyn Daniels also knows a thing or two about keeping your body healthy. After breaking her foot and still keeping up with mommy duties, Daniels uses her me time to pamper herself with a hot stone massage and essential oil shower. 

Life can get busy but implementing these tangible, time-efficient remedies in addition to using Theraflu for symptom relief can help you rest and recover. Whether you’re a busy student or a busy parent, Theraflu will help put you on the road to recovery and back in business!

“With flu season upon us, let’s make sure we stock up on some Theraflu, so we can make sure we do something good for ourselves even when we’re sick,” said Daniels. “It’s just so important that we take care of ourselves, because if you’re not there for yourself how can you be there for others?”