How To Join a Sorority or Fraternity

Black Greek Letter Organizations are a huge part of the HBCU culture and HBCU Buzz has got you covered with this guide to joining one!

So you’ve been on your HBCU campus for a couple of months now, finally started to get in the rhythm of things, and maybe have even become interested in joining a sorority or fraternity on campus. Maybe you saw them step in the yard show or the step show, you went to an event and really enjoyed yourself, or you met some of them on the courtyard. Now what? HBCU Buzz has got you covered. Here’s what you need to know if you’re interested in joining a Divine Nine Sorority or Fraternity at an HBCU.  

Do Your Research

Firstly, do your research and ask yourself why you want to join this particular sorority or fraternity. What is it about the organization that attracts you to it? Do their mission and values align with you or are you just going off of popularity and aesthetics alone? Make sure that you’re joining for the right reasons. All Divine Nine organizations have official websites with public information about their history and mission that will aid you in your decision to join. Looking at these websites and seeing what these organizations stand for is a great first step in deciding whether or not you want to seek membership. 

Discretion is Key

Once you decide what organization you want to seek membership in, please be discreet about it. No one on campus should know what organization you’re interested in seeking membership in. This a rule everyone should follow unless they want to get blackballed. That means that you should not just randomly walk up to a member and tell them that you want to join their org.

If you are fortunate enough to become a member of your desired sorority or frat, the information within the organization is sacred and private and so your desire to become a member should also be private. Not only does it speak volumes of the kind of member you will be to that chapter but it also makes it all the more special when you present yourself to the campus during the New Member Presentation.

Go To Events

You may be asking yourself how can I show that I’m interested in an organization if I have to be discreet about it? The answer is to go to that organization’s events and support chapter initiatives. It’s important to show your face and speak to members of the organization you’re interested in at their events. Not only will this help them to remember you when it’s time to select who made line, but it will also give you a chance to get to know your potential prophytes. A lot of times going to events will help solidify whether or not you really want to seek membership, so go, introduce yourself, make an impression and thank them for a wonderful event when it’s over.

Make Yourself An Attractive Candidate

You know why you want to seek membership but why should they choose you? What makes you stand apart and what can you bring to the chapter? These are the questions you should be asking yourself and finding the answers to. At this point, you should’ve already researched the organization’s values and mission so it’s best to take part in activities that reflect that. All Divine Nine organizations require you to obtain a certain GPA, so it’s important to keep your grades up. It’s also important to partake in community service and get active on campus.   

A lot of times sororities and fraternities are looking for students who display leadership on campus, so it would be good to join a non-greek organization or student group at school where you can take on a leadership role. This shows that you have certain tangible skills and experience that you can bring to the table if permitted membership into their frat or sorority. 

Respect Greek Culture

If you’re seeking membership into a black sorority or fraternity it’s important to respect their culture. This means do not step on their plots or any other types of displays on campus, throw up their signs, or try to imitate their strolls or calls. In this case, imitation is not taken as a form of flattery, it is considered highly disrespectful. The Greeks on your campus have worked hard to become members and seeing someone who is not a member imitate something they don’t know the history of is not taken lightly. 

Also never break a stroll line. If you’re at a party and see or hear the Greeks coming to the floor to stroll, it’s best to move out of the way. Just wait till it’s over to get where you’re trying to go, and again don’t replicate the strolls.

The Divine Nine sororities and fraternities are a staple part of HBCU culture. The more you see them on campus and learn more about them, the more you’ll want to join but remember these tips when seeking membership so you don’t get blackballed. Also, remember that becoming a member of a Divine Nine is a lifetime decision, they all have a similar mission to serve and uplift the community, not just to look cool in a line jacket or flex on campus. There’s a long rich history that you should be seeking to add to, not subtract.